HDMI Ethernet Channel
Consolidate video, audio and data streams into a single HDMI cable, combining the convenience of HDMI connectivity with the power and flexibility of home entertainment networking.
Audio Return Channel
Send audio data eupstreamf from a TV to an AV receiver or surround audio controller, eliminating the need for any separate S/PDIF audio connec-tion.
Establish critical infrastructure for implementing 3D video in the home, defining input/output proto-cols that will allow 3D displays and source devices to communicate through an HDMI link.
Deep Colour
While RGB is still the dominant colour space in most video applications, other colour models are gaining popularity. Version 1.4 of the HDMI speci-fication adds support for three additional colour spaces enabling manufacturers to deliver better and more accurate colour to users when they view their digital photos on an HDTV.
The HDMI 1.4 specification adds support for ex-tremely high video resolutions that go far beyond todays 1080p systems. 4K x 2K is shorthand for 4,000 lines wide by 2,000 lines high, or roughly four times the resolution of a 1080p display.